Thursday, November 14, 2013

I'm back!!!!!!!!!!

Hello there beautiful internet people!
I have returned from my super long trip to South Africa! I've actually been back a week now, but for some reason the internet didn't want me to update my blog, silly thing.

I had a wonderful time. All the wishes I made before I went came true. I even found some A&W root beer!

The convention was very fun. My poem got eighth place!!
The speakers were very good. Each night they got someone new to speak. They had fantastic music and the air was always filled with excitement.
I also met plenty new people. We were given 'passports' when we arrived, these were little booklets you needed to have around your neck at all times (except when sleeping!) and there was a section where you could ask people to sign it. The first time someone asked me to sign their passports my first thought was "You must have me confused with someone else." But luckily I watched what other people were doing and refrained from making a fool of myself.

I'll be posting my events after this post.

The Rally tent

We also got to go to my cousin's wedding.

He is in the army in England, so we didn't get to see him for the past six years. I'm very proud of him. His new wife is also a very nice lady. We also got most of the Nel clan together so I saw my other cousins as well. Fun times, fun times...

Oh, and I coloured my hair!!


 And after!!!

What do you think???

School started again on Monday. It went for a loop while we were away. Who knew late nights visiting with friends could be so exhausting. *I'm so sarcastic*

Well, I plan to write more soon...