Tuesday, November 6, 2012

"All I needed was a cup o' tea."


This past weekend I was introduced to the wonderful, mysterious, Dr. Who.

 My best friend, Clair, invited me over for a sleepover. I was away for almost four months, so it was round about time we had a sleepover again.

 Basically a sleepover, at least according to me and Clair, consists of watching a marathon of movies and TV shows until way past midnight, sleeping a few hours, then wake up and spend our time talking nonsense until we have to say goodbye again. Fun huh?

 Well, for this sleepover Clair decided it was time I got to know Dr. Who. She had been telling me a whole bunch of things about it for a while now, so we decided as soon as I got back from South Africa, we must watch it together.

 I liked it. A lot. So much we ended up watching the entire season 1. It was fun.

This week I will be putting together an outfit for a cool birthday party I will be attending. It is a themed party (Famous people from the 1920’s) and I will arrive as Amelia Earhart. I’m so excited! You see, I have this dream of mine to become a pilot someday, but it conflicts with my many other dreams so I put away in my dream chest. For now anyway... But on Saturday I get to live my dream for a few hours! I can't wait!!

I already have the whole outfit planned.

I other news....... School started again today. Fun times, fun times......

Well, that's all for now folks!!!


  1. Hello! I've been waiting for you to get a blog so I could learn more about you (which sounds slightly creepy, but anyhow...)

    Aw, Doctor Who. No going back now. If you liked season one you are likely to love season two even more.

    I've always dreamed of being a pilot too. I think it would be a lot of fun to dust crops.

    Anyhow, welcome! Nice to have you about!

    A Bit Unlikely,

  2. Awwww.... Thank you! I never would have started one without your help. *hug*
