Thursday, December 19, 2013

I need you to NAME THAT DALEK!

Hi guys!

How's things with you guys?

I'm doing great. My grandparents arrived on Tuesday and we've been having a great time visiting with them so far. The first real summer rain also arrived this week. I'm really glad it came, it was so hot!

A while back I decided I want to make a Dalek I know they're supposed to be all scary but I think they are really cute. My mom taught me to crochet a year ago and I discovered the art of amigaromi (I apologize if I misspelled that). Basically its the art of making tiny crochet creatures (toys).
Anyway... I tried to make it but, it was to hard as first. Then a few days back I decided to try again. It worked!

I know the picture looks creepy. I was playing on my picture editing program.

I really enjoyed making him.

So the real point of this blogpost is to ask you guys to give him a name. I want to make a few adventures, and he needs a nice name to do so.
I made one with my cat, kitty. My mom said I should put it here for you guys to see, so here it is.
I apologize that it was filmed in portrait, I know how much it irritates some people.
Also for all the loudness. :) I need to practice my dalek voice.

Have a great day!


PS: If you want to make your own Dalek check out THIS lady's blog. She's awesome.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

I'd like to wish you all a happy Thanksgiving!

In South Africa we don't have this holiday, but I've had enough American influence to know what it is about.

I made a list of things I am thankful for:

I'm thankful my grandpa is getting better. His blood sugar was very high (off the scales) but it has been brought down to the safer region.

I'm thankful that my grandpa and grandma are coming to visit us for Christmas.

I'm thankful for my new friend Cliff.

I'm thankful to be in a loving family I can share many fun memories with.

I'm thankful for the upcoming holiday.

I'm thankful for my good test results in school.

I'm thankful for the internet. (What would I do without it?)

What are you thankful for?


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

*Spoilers* Day of the Doctor review

Ok. I just saw it!!!!!!!
It was perfect.

NOTE: Those who haven't watched the Day of the Doctor and doesn't want anything spoiled VISIT ANOTHER PART OF THE INTERNET!!!!!

The whole episode was epic. Steven Moffet has made up for his bad writing skills the past while. All I can say right now is, "Well done, Mr. Moffet. I applaude thee."

I really liked how the started the episode with the original intro. I'm a bit confused though. Why is Clara teaching? Did she survive that last episode? Is she a new Clara? I guess it will all be explained soon enough.
I don't quite get why 10 has to be married to Elizabeth I. Moffet could have written the episode without that, though it was very funny when John Hurt, after seeing 10 get married, asked if kissing was going to happen often in his future and 11 says "It does start to happen..." And John starts to nod.

Also I bet that angry Queen Elizabeth I we see in The Shakespeare Code is so angry because her 'husband' promised to be right back, but due to his memory loss at the end of the episode (Day of the Doctor) he never returned. He left his new bride!

I absolutely love John Hurt's doctor. I might just have a new favorite. He is so gentle, yet doesn't want to be told no. I haven't seen John Hurt's other movies, but he looks like a pretty decent actor.

I was pretty dissappointed in Rose's character. I was hoping she would be there with the clone doctor. It would have been nice if she met 11. Then she would have seen the War Doctor, 9, 10, and 11. But I guess that wouldn't have worked though....Oh well.

 The part where all the doctors (even 12) were circling Gallifrey to save it was probably my favorite. When all those doctors showed their faces I was just sitting there with this huge silly grin on my face. And then when Peter Capaldi came up.....(I can't wait to see what kind of doctor he will be)

Moffet did a nice job with not ruining everything that had happened so far in Modern Who. The whole time stream thingy might be a bit far stretched but I don't care.

The last scene with Tom Baker was very special. I think Matt must have been pretty awestruck right then.

Well, I must really end this post now. It is late and I need to go to bed.

What did you think about The Day of the Doctor. (That is if you've seen it) {If you haven't WHY ARE YOU EVEN READING??}

In honor of Doctor Who I shall now say

This is my current background

Monday, November 25, 2013

There's this new store in town, it looks somewhat out of place.


Ok. I haven't watched the Day of the Doctor yet. But I have it so I'll watch it soon. Probably by the end of the week.

What I'm really writing this post for is..... Mzuzu has a new grocery store!!!!
SHOPRITE opened last Friday and we got to go today. Wow. That was quite an experience. I thought there would be less people after the weekend openings, but alas that wasn't to be. (Not that I really mind.)
 Anyways. It is very pretty inside. There are fruit aisles and meat aisles and sweet aisles and.... everything really. I am really impressed. There are even some Christmas trees with lights. It was very pretty.
Oh yes! I took some photos.

The entrance

The dairy aisle...  

Apples!!! (Also notice the large numbers on the price tags.)
(And my dad's back)

My sister and her best friend Sasha.   
 Also go check out their new blog....   

These little guys are waiting patiently for me to devour them.

For any Afrikaans speaking people who might be reading this...

I think it looks rather fancy. I really liked seeing the 'familiar' stuff again. Some days you just feel like you need a piece of South Africa, now we have it. :D

Well, I guess that's all for now.


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

50th Anniversary Madness

Hello internet!

I am so excited!!!!!

Jelly baby?

I can't wait to see the Day of the Doctor!

So I watched the Night of the Doctor the other day...*Spoiler alert*
My first reaction after watching it was "What? What! Wait WHAT!!!!?!? Yay! Its Paul McGann!"
My first prediction for John Hurt's doctor was that he was, in fact, the older version of eight. After all we never saw how eight died/regenerated. But now all that has changed!
I have mixed feelings about the whole war doctor thing. I like that he is a separate character, and he seems like he has quite a story to tell, but I don't like it that he is the actual 9th doctor.  It messes up so many things.
Why would there be so many 11 jokes for 11 if he is actually 12. Also, that means that Peter Capaldi will be the 13th doctor. Isn't there some limit to their regenerations? (Eh, I guess that's Steven Moffet's problem.)

I can't wait to see David Tenant again!

What are your thoughts on these things?

I plan to do a review after I saw it. So I guess that's all for now.

Where's Rose?


Thursday, November 14, 2013

AASC Short Story

Crime Doesn't Pay!
by Megan Nel

   Kendall pulled the car into the church parking lot and immediately Jordan felt
even more uneasy than before.
    “You didn’t tell me we’re tagging a church.”
    “Well we are. Do you have a problem with that?” asked Kendall.
    Jordan shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He really wanted to be on Kendall’s
good side.
    “No, I don’t.” He lied.
    “Good then you can carry the paint.”
    A few minutes into spray painting Jordan heard something. It was footsteps!
They were going to get caught!
    “Someone’s coming!” Jordan whispered frantically to Kendall.
    “What! Let’s get out of here!” Kendall practically shouted.
    The boys piled the paint into the black backpack. The footsteps came closer and
a man called out,
    “Hey! Is someone there?”
   Kendall took off running back to the car, leaving Jordan with the paint. He quickly
hid it behind one of the bushes and ran after Kendall.
   “Stop!” the man yelled after them.
   Kendall ignored him and jumped into the car, started the engine, and began to
drive away. Jordan reached the car just as Kendall pulled away. When they were a
safe distance from the church Jordan furiously turned to look at Kendall.
   “You were going to leave me!” Jordan spat.
   “No, I was just uh... turning the car round to come get you.” Kendall said
   “You’re lying!” Jordan declared. He crossed his arms and looked out of the
   “Well, maybe if you’d kept a better lookout we could have reached the car earlier,
and I wouldn’t have lost my paint!” Kendall snapped.
   Jordan turned to face Kendall again.
   “If I hadn’t heard the footsteps we’d both had been caught for sure.”
   They drove in silence for a few tense minutes when Kendall stopped the car and
told Jordan to get out.
   “This isn’t even my block!” Jordan complained.
   “Well then, I suggest you start walking. You have a lot of ground to cover.” He
paused then smiled cruelly.
   “Oh, and don’t bother hanging out with me again, you’re far too boring for my
taste.” With that he drove off.
   Twenty minutes later Jordan arrived back home. He unlocked the door and
quietly headed upstairs. He went to his room and fell onto his unmade bed.
How could Kendall just dump him like this? He had promised that if Jordan
helped with this ‘paint job’ as he had called it, Jordan will be allowed into the ‘cool
kids’ group. Jordan knew there was no way Kendall would allow him in now; Kendall
had made that very clear. If only...

   Thinking these thoughts he drifted off to restless sleep.

   Jordan and his family arrived at church the next day. The same church he had
vandalized with Kendall the night before. Everyone around them was talking about
the ‘horrid’ thing that someone did to the building the previous evening. Jordan saw a
few people glance over at him and felt as though they knew he was responsible for
   His mother turned to him and asked if he was okay.
   “Yes...Of course I’m okay. Why wouldn’t I be?” Jordan answered quickly.
   His mother frowned slightly, then said. “You just look somewhat pale.”
   “I guess I’m just a little tired.” That wasn’t a complete lie, he hadn’t rested last
   The music began and everyone started singing; that is, everyone except Jordan.
   One of the elders went to the front and gave the announcements; the vandalism was
mentioned, of course.
   Pastor John took his place at the pulpit, prayed, and then began his sermon.
   “Please open your Bibles to Proverbs 1.” The sound of rustling pages filled the
building. Pastor John began to read.
   At first Jordan wasn’t paying attention to the sermon, but he soon found himself
unable to think of anything but what Pastor John was saying. This sermon seemed to
be aimed straight at him.
   Pastor John was explaining about how godless friends will lead you down the
path of eternal destruction. Jordan knew he was going down that road. He sat with
tears in his eyes as the sermon finished.
   When the service ended, Jordan searched for Pastor John. He found him talking
to Mr. Bower, the man who had almost caught him the previous evening.
   “May I please talk to you?” Jordan asked.
   “Certainly!” Pastor John replied. He led them to his office in the back. Pastor
John told Jordan to take a seat.
   “What’s wrong Jordan?” He asked the crying boy.
   “I’m so sorry, sir.” Jordan said and cried harder.
   “However so?” Pastor John asked.
   Jordan spent the next few minutes explaining his story through sniffs and tears.
By the time he finished Pastor John was next to him and patting his back
reassuringly. Jordan apologized over and over again.
   “Jordan, what you did was wrong. But I’m very proud of you for admitting your
mistake.” Pastor John said returning to his seat.
   “I would like to repair the damage I’ve done.” Jordan said. “But I don’t have
enough money to pay for paint. I’m willing to do anything to help.”
   Pastor John thought for a moment then said, “I may have a solution to that
problem. We’ll supply the paint for you, then you can paint it for us. If you’ll mow the
lawn and help with cleaning up you can pay us back in just a few months. How does
that sound?”
   Jordan sat up straight and answered. “I’ll be more than willing to help with that.”
   Pastor John stood up and said. “You should also apologize to Mr. Bower though;
you gave him quite a big fright.”
   “I will.” Jordan promised. He exited through the door and searched for Mr. Bower.


Undeserving - from Luke 23:32-43
By Megan Nel

The soldier’s face is bleak and stark
As he lowers the hammer to meet its mark
I stole and I plundered, yet it brought no gain
Now they lift me up and I feel the pain

I hear the crowd as they scream and mock
I turn my head and our eyes lock
I recognize him as the so called King
A week ago His praises they’d sing

His eyes looked in mine; I knew he’s no Pariah
This must be the One, the promised Messiah
The mocking continues without any mercy
The people are lost in their own controversy

The brigand beside Him let out a cuss
“If thou be Christ save thyself and us”
His uncaring words set my anger afire
How could he say this when he’s ‘bout to expire

I rebuke him but he does not care
A callused heart showing no despair
I make a simple last request
Christ’s answer sets my heart at rest

Though my past was filled with lies
Today I’ll meet Him in Paradise
He treated me with love unswerving
Though I’m a sinner that’s undeserving

I'm back!!!!!!!!!!

Hello there beautiful internet people!
I have returned from my super long trip to South Africa! I've actually been back a week now, but for some reason the internet didn't want me to update my blog, silly thing.

I had a wonderful time. All the wishes I made before I went came true. I even found some A&W root beer!

The convention was very fun. My poem got eighth place!!
The speakers were very good. Each night they got someone new to speak. They had fantastic music and the air was always filled with excitement.
I also met plenty new people. We were given 'passports' when we arrived, these were little booklets you needed to have around your neck at all times (except when sleeping!) and there was a section where you could ask people to sign it. The first time someone asked me to sign their passports my first thought was "You must have me confused with someone else." But luckily I watched what other people were doing and refrained from making a fool of myself.

I'll be posting my events after this post.

The Rally tent

We also got to go to my cousin's wedding.

He is in the army in England, so we didn't get to see him for the past six years. I'm very proud of him. His new wife is also a very nice lady. We also got most of the Nel clan together so I saw my other cousins as well. Fun times, fun times...

Oh, and I coloured my hair!!


 And after!!!

What do you think???

School started again on Monday. It went for a loop while we were away. Who knew late nights visiting with friends could be so exhausting. *I'm so sarcastic*

Well, I plan to write more soon...


Monday, August 12, 2013


Hey there!!

 Next week we're going to South Africa!!!!!!!!!

I am SUPER excited. We've been gone for almost 10 months now, so its about time we went back again. We'll be staying there for more than two months. I so happy right now I could burst.

There are so many things I look forward to:

Seeing my friends again...

Seeing my family again...

Visiting our church...

Shopping Malls...





Root Beer?... (if I can find some) 

I give up; I can't list them all.

(I'm hungry now..... grrrr)

 The first week is going to be hectic! But I don't mind it one bit. (not yet anyway)
We also get to spend a week at my Aunt's sheep farm with my grandparents. :D
Then my sister and I'll return to our school books; but it will be a lighter load, so we can't complain.

In September I'll be going to that convention I've previously blogged about. I am cautiously excited about that. I don't know anyone who will be attending, so I'm scared. But I'll probably end up enjoying myself very much.
After the convention I'll post my short story and poem so you guys can see it.

I have to go now, because I'm not on holiday yet...

Saturday, July 20, 2013

My McDonalds misadventure

 Hey guys!
 I've been really busy with school the past few weeks, and that is why I haven't done a post in weeks. :O

 So last year in September my family and I had the pleasure of going to Canada! We went for a month, and I have to say it was the greatest holiday we ever had!
I thought I'll share with you one of my many adventures (and probably the funniest one) I had while I was there.

 In South Africa, where I'm from, we don't have a Walmart. Rather we have stores like Pick 'n Pay, SPAR, and WoolWorths. Walmart have left it mark on South Africa though, because it bought stores such as Macro and Game, and they sell some of their no name brand products. So it wasn't as though I didn't know anything about this amazing shop.

 This one day, the people we were staying with, wanted us to visit their 'medium' Walmart. They'd already taken us to the 'small' one, and I had thought it was big. I was very pleasantly surprised.

 When we got there My family and Auntie Joann were dropped off. I went along with Uncle Paul to the house of a girl I had met at the church. Uncle Paul was going to sing with the girl at church the Sunday so they needed to practice. I just wanted to watch. About an hour later we went back to the Walmart. I then proceeded to cruise the rest of the store with my family.

 The thing about my family is we can cruise through a grocery store for the longest time. We are far too amazed at all the new products that comes out in the time we are in Malawi. I think the store employees think we must be crazy.

 But anyway, back to the story.

When we were checking out my mom gave me some money and told me to get something to drink at the McDonald's.

When I got to the ordering counter I asked for a COKE. I do not know whether she wasn't really listening to me, or maybe didn't understand what I was saying due to my accent, because I could not understand why she said, what she said after that.

"Would you like apple or caramel?"

I think my face must looked somewhat like this:

I stood there just staring at her, and I think she got pretty impatient. I remembered seeing something about apple on my way in, but I thought it had been apple juice, so I just assumed I must have read it incorrectly.

I stood there thinking there is no way apple Coke can be good, and then I remembered reading on the Coke can once that one of the ingredients is caramel, so I assumed the caramel Coke must be 'normal' Coke so I asked for the caramel.

Imagine my surprise when she handed me a small pie.

I said thank you, took the package she was holding out to me, and walked back to my parents as fast as I could and told them what happened. After they laughed they said I can go back and get myself a drink too.

Turns out they had gotten caramel pies too, only they had specifically asked for it.

When I returned to the McDonald's counter the girl asked for my order. I VERY loudly and VERY clearly asked for a ROOT BEER. I decided she couldn't miss hear that.

She didn't and I finally walked off with my drink.

I later decided she must have heard CAKE when I said COKE, and assumed I meant pie.
It makes sense now, but it sure didn't at the time.

So yeah, that's my McDonald's misadventure.

In other news, my family and I will be going to South Africa in a few weeks. I am sooooooo excited.

I have to attend a school convention thing. I am very cautiously excited about that.
It is a five day thing for which I needed to enter in three things. I decided on Poetry and Short Story. I'll post these on here after they have been marked.

The other thing I'm entering in is Checkers, because I wasn't aware you needed three things until Wednesday. Whoever is playing against me can rest assured, because I'm not very good at it.

I'm also doing Camp nanowrimo. My goal is only 10,000 words because I'm too busy for anything else.

Well, that's all I have for now.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

13 letters, 3 words, and 1 complete sentence

Hey there!

A few months back I got THIS here album by Caleb and Sol. It's free! I liked it a lot.

I thought I'll share with you the lyrics to the last song on their album. It is very haunting and Very true...

Jesus is Better

I’ve got 5 minutes to convince you of one thing.

Altogether, it’s 13 letters, 3 words, and 1 complete sentence.

And I hope you never forget it.

In fact, I hope it haunts you.

I hope you always remember these 13 letters, these 3 words, and this one complete sentence.

Jesus is better.

You say...Better than what?

I say...Better than everything else.

He’s better than any passing dream you might be chasing after.

He’s better than any worldly ambition that may have captured your devotion.

He’s better than anything that could distract you from doing what you were created to do.

Jesus is better.

He’s better than a 6-figure salary.

He’s better than a 3-story home.

He’s better than a trophy, wife, a job promotion, and a Caribbean cruise

Jesus is better.

He’s better than a starting position on the football team.

He’s better than a lead role in the spring musical.

He’s better than a 4.0. GPA, a college scholarship, and a nomination to homecoming court.

Jesus is better.

He’s better than money, cars, clothes, sex, entertainment, achievement, and popularity.

He’s better than anything this world can offer you.

Jesus is better.

He’s better than any person that has ever walked this earth.

He’s wiser than Gandhi and smarter than Einstein.

He’s more holy than Mohammed and more spiritual than Buddha.

He’s more eloquent than Shakespeare and more creative than Mozart.

He’s more powerful than Napoleon and more compassionate than Mother Theresa

Jesus is better.

The Bible says...

He’s better than Adam, better than Abraham, better than Moses, David, and Mary.

He’s better than the angels, better than the demons, and better than any prophet, priest, or saint.

Jesus is better!

And there will be times when it is hard to believe

Times when it doesn’t feel like Jesus is better

The world will hate you

Your flesh will fight you

The devil will lie to you

Storms will come

You’re gonna face disappointment





Sickness and death

You’re gonna feel tired

Empty and broken hearted

Scared and alone
But don’t forget in the darkness what you learned in the light

Jesus is better

He’s the King of kings

And the Lord of lords

He’s the Prince of peace

And the Light of the world

He’s the friend of sinners

And the enemy of Satan

He is the Alpha and the Omega

The first and the last

The beginning and the end

He is the Way and the Truth and the Life

Jesus is better

And if you really truly believe it

Its gonna cost you

You’re going to deny yourself

Take up your cross and follow Him

You’re gonna help the poor

Swallow your pride

And love your enemies

You’re gonna read your Bible when you’d rather watch TV

You’re gonna pray when you’d rather sleep

You’re gonna serve when you’d rather be served

You’re gonna speak up, when you’d rather be silent

But when it’s all said and done...

You won’t regret it

You’ll say...It was worth it

Jesus is better

I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Jesus my Lord, for Whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish that I may be in Christ.

Jesus is better

So my hope for you isn’t that you’re safe, successful, and well liked.

Sometimes those are the very things that get in the way of what you cannot afford to ignore

Jesus is better

So if being unsafe, unsuccessful, and un-liked is what’s going to take you to see that Jesus is better, well then I’ll pray that your life is filled with danger, failure, and persecution.

Whatever it takes, I want you to know that


Thirteen letters, three words, one sentence, and no question about it

Jesus is better...

Monday, June 10, 2013

Britain's Got Talent series 7 review

Hey There!

Warning!!!! if you still have to watch the series final and you don't want to know who won go away NOW!!

So the past few weeks mine family and I have been watching Britain's Got Talent series seven. Then after we watched the series final today I decided I will do an overall review of the entire series. So here goes.....

There has been a huge amount of talent featured in this series of bgt! I was very impressed by all the amazing acts there was to see (namely Attraction shadow theater.)

The best act of the entire series!!

Unfortunately there was some rather un-tasteful acts too. (namely the chair exercises lady and the seventy-one year old lady)

Then there was an insane amount of acts that left you thinking "Why didn't someone tell them they're just going to embarrass themselves?"

Poor girls, I was so embarrassed for them.


But overall I found this show very VERY entertaining.

The Judges

David Walliams- I found him rather inappropriate throughout the series. He was very irritating when he got so touchy with Simon. Although I think he's my least favorite judge, he was very funny when he refused to press his buzzer in some acts.
Isn't he wearing a lovely bathrobe?
I also laughed way to hard when I realized he plays this guy in Doctor Who.

Alesha Dixon and Amanda Holden- I don't have any problem with these girls. They're sort of just there, enjoying themselves and maybe giving the occasional bit of advice here and there. They also seem to like wearing interesting dresses.

Isn't she pretty?
She's adorable

 Then of cause there's Simon Cowell- If you don't know who he is you haven't watched talent TV. I agreed with practically all of the things he said. This guy really knows talent when he sees it. If only he would get a different haircut.
Poor guy... He got egged in the final.

 The Presenters-

Who doesn't just love Ant & Dec? Seriously these guys are great!

They are the real stars of the show

Dec looks like he he could be Pippin's brother. 

In fact they pretty much are Merry and Pippin.

 The Auditions-

As I said earlier there was tons of talent...

This man was brilliant

I wish these guys went through to the final

Phillip Green is the human version of our dog Fudge

She was so shy

The Semi finals-

As I was watching the acts in the semi's I found myself saying "This act should go to the finals. No! this one! Wait this one!"
The competition was very high.

I think my least favorite acts were the obvious.

She tried a bit too hard to be a pop star

Then there's this guy..... you love him and you hate him at the same time.

Maarty Broekman!!!


The final was very good!

It was hard to pick a favorite act. But in the end I was very pleased that Attraction won. They were actually the reason we started watching in the first place 

It's amazing what they can do with their bodies

I didn't like Asanda's performance. She has an AMAZING voice but her diva-ness really turns me off.

All in all I would give this series 7 out of 10 stars.

On another note...

My friend Clair left for America today. :'( I am very heartbroken about that.

Well this post is far too long. I'm surprised you've read so far.

Friday, May 10, 2013

I tend to be busier than I should be

Hello there!

Well.... I've been somewhat busy the past few weeks. My family and I moved a few days ago, and I had to help my dad move furniture about because my mom had fallen off stairs and tore some ligaments in her foot (she's okay now).

 I really, really, really like the house we are living in now....

Isn't it pretty?

So...A bit less than two months ago we decided we need to move.
After we had decided this, my mom was worrying where we'll find some beds for my sister and I (we were lending some from the house we were living in). A week later we had too many beds!

One of our friends told us we can take over their house. Literary. They are living in Canada and they don't think they'll be back full time in Malawi again, so they told us we can use what we want of theirs, and do with the rest what we think suitable... :O

I also got to re decorate my new room!

 Ze entrance

 Mah Bed

 The view outside my window

 Little trinkets I stuck on my wall

 As you may have noticed, I have a butterfly theme in my room

 This is Kitty (Galore). She's very lovable, but don't let her fluff fool you. She Will Bite! Don't say I didn't warn you....

 Smoky admiring her new dwelling place

We also have a real Piano now! :)

So yeah! I just thought I'll share these with you.

Enjoy your weekend!! ;D